Sound the Alarm Event – April 27

Volunteers Needed!

Saturday, April 27, 2019 • 8 am to 1 pm

Big Bear Valley CERT is assisting in the American Red Cross Sound The Alarm Big Bear event at the Whispering Pines mobile home park. Anyone can volunteer so bring a friend or family member (age 18 or older). Download Flyer

Lunch and a t-shirt will be provided so please RSVP at the link below so they have an accurate head count.

Location:  391 Montclair Drive, Big Bear City, CA 92314
Time: 8 am to 1 pm

Please note that when RSVP’ing online, you are not becoming a Red Cross volunteer; this is a one time sign up.

Volunteers will go door-to-door to ask residents if they would like free smoke alarms installed in their homes that day. Residents will be provided information on fire safety and preparedness, and will learn how to create a home evacuation plan.

HAM/FRS Operators Needed!
We will be using FRS Channel 7 (462.7125 mhz) and Ham 2 meter frequency 145.6150 mhz.  If participants do not have FRS radios, one will be provided.  Please bring your HAM radio to the April 22nd BBVCERT meeting to ensure that it is properly programmed for the event.
  • Fire-related deaths and injuries are highest in homes without smoke alarms.  (National Fire Protection Association 2014)
  • People may have as little as 60 seconds to escape a burning home before it is too late to get out. (National Fire Protection Association 2014)
  • The risk of dying in reported home structure fires is cut in half in homes with working smoke alarms. (National Fire Protection Association 2014)
Wednesday, April 24
Volunteers also needed to canvas the park to hang reminders on door knobs. The park will be putting out notices to each resident ahead of time.  No reservations are taken for installation.  Please respond to this email if you are available to help.