BBV-CERT General Membership Meeting
October 26, 2020 via Zoom
Meeting called to order at 6:10 pm.
General Membership Meeting
Attendees: Norma and Bob Grimes, Maria Laverty, Steve and Susan Elliott, Laura Nowak-Brown, Johnny Wells, Nancy Karlson, Christina Amelsberg, Yomar Cleary, Cesar Falconett, Peggy and Phil Definbaugh, Sam Bollog, Ed, Ali Williams
President – Eric Steele (not present)
Vice President – Susan Elliott
Eric is recovering well and will be travelling home on Wednesday.
Treasurer – Dede Hermon (not present; sent via email)
HAM Radio Testing
We had five CERT members pass their ham radio exam test this past weekend. Special thanks to Dede Hermon for encouraging them to test.
If you are interested in becoming a HAM radio operator, please contact Dede Hermon at
Secretary – Laura Nowak-Brown
Nothing to report.
News/New Business
Mental Health/Crisis Center Ecosystem (see powerpoint)
Collaboration is critical element when communicating a disastrous event. Ultimate goal is to mitigate effects on community during and after the event.
Panic attacks can bring on disfunction in equilibrium. Goal is to bring patient back to balance as quickly as possible.
Set up emergency management system to begin collaboration
Logistical, medical, economics, political
Disaster Psychology / Mental Health (Unit 5 of Handbook)
Susan reviewed CERT Unit 5: Disaster Psychology
The key points from this unit are:
- A disaster may expose rescuers to extremely unpleasant or uncomfortable situations. These experiences will be stressful and may be traumatic.
- Over-identifying with survivors may subject rescuers to vicarious trauma.
- Survivors and rescuers may have both psychological and physiological symptoms of trauma after a disaster.
- CERT leaders can take steps to reduce stress on rescue workers before, during, and after an incident.
- CERT volunteers can take steps to reduce stress on themselves.
- Psychological First Aid is an evidence-informed approach for assisting children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster.
- The steps listen, protect, and connect can provide actions associated with supporting survivors after a disaster.
- Research shows that survivors go through the following distinct emotional phases following a disaster:
― Pre-Disaster
― Impact
― Heroic
― Honeymoon
― Disillusionment
― Reconstruction
- Traumatic stress may affect cognitive functioning, physical health, and interpersonal reactions.
- Different people react differently to traumatic stress based on a variety of mediating factors.
- A traumatic crisis occurs when a person’s ability to cope is overwhelmed.
- The goal of on-scene psychological intervention is to stabilize the incident by stabilizing individuals.
- Provide support for survivors by being an empathetic listener.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.