Meeting Minutes – October 2021

BBV CERT Meeting
On-line Via Zoom
October 25, 2021

General Meeting: Present: Eric Steele, Susan Elliot, Dede Hermon, Nancy Karlson, Sam Bolog, Phil and Peggy Defibaugh, , Ed Williams,Christina Amelsburg, Barbara and Michael Marty

Call to Order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:11 pm.

Treasurer Report: Deferred.

General Topics of Discussion:
• Susan reported that upcoming meetings will be dark in November and December and resume on-line, beginning in January.
• She also noted that an Assets Committee will be formed to address inventory and proceeded to read the SOPs to the group, summarizing the function of that Committee. Susan then commented that the CERT license renewal/recertification process will be
delayed due to some organizational shifts.
• Eric reported that tonight’s training would be focused on Pet Preparedness with upcoming training to be held on “Lost People” (typical behavioral responses in emergencies) and “Red bag” procedures.
• Barbara Marty then inquired/discussed how she might be able to assist the CERT team with certain medical aid training and will continue those discussions with Eric offline.

Specific Topic/Training: CERT ANIMAL RESPONSE

Susan referred to and presented a power point on Pet Preparedness, which was well received. Various members provided comments. Eric additionally shared a story about an animal staging area and how important it is to operate within your comfort and training. Susan noted that this presentation would be sent to Nancy for distribution to meeting attendees.

Meeting adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Next meeting: January 24, 2022, at 6:00 pm, on-line.