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BBV CERT General Meeting
On-line Via Zoom
March 28, 2022
Present: Susan Elliott Dede Hermon
Nancy Karlson
Maria Laverty Ed Williams
Christina Amelsburg Jim and Marie Smith
Call to Order:
- Susan called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Treasurer Report:
- Dede reported that the March 28 balance was $2,827.63 compared to the February 28 balance of $2,827.56 with the increase attributed to an interest credit.
General Topics of Discussion:
- In-person Meetings:
Susan commented that there is no change at this time. She additionally noted that she will be checking with the Fire Department to see when meetings can resume at that location.
- Change in April Meeting Date:
Susan reported that the next meeting is being moved to April 18 versus April 25 due to scheduling conflicts.
- Active 911 (Alert Monitoring) Costs:
Dede noted that the Board approved CERT coverage of annual fees ($14/user) for Board member monitoring, if not covered by OES. She inquired as to whether there were any objections, of which there were none.
- Upcoming events:
- Tour de Big Bear August 6, 2022
Susan commented that she requested the Snow Valley location and is awaiting confirmation as to what location CERT will be operating from.
- Gran Fondo Opportunity
Susan noted that she will be reaching out to assess if CERT will serve at this event.
- Asset Committee:
No current update.
- 2022 Officer Elections (President and Treasurer):
Nancy noted that the nominee slate will be submitted at the General CERT meeting in May with a request for any additional nominations, to be followed by elections to be held at the June meeting.
- Update of Bylaws:
Nancy commented that the Board will be reviewing the Bylaws in the near term and submitting recommended modifications to the members for approval in April or May.
- Renewal of CERT licenses (temporary stickers):
Susan reported that there is no additional information available at this time.
Specific Topic/Training: Safety in the Post Disaster Environment
A PowerPoint presentation was given by Susan, which included the following general topics:
- CERT Role and Safety
- Hazards in the Environment
- Protective Gear
- Assessments
- Working Safe (environmentally and with animals)
- Putting it Altogether
The presentation was well received. Susan then inquired about additional areas of interest. Group members suggested the following topics for consideration:
- Frequencies for Ham communications
- Disaster Psychology
- Tabletop exercises
Susan then shared with the group that some training could be taken on-line such as CPR and First Aid and asked Nancy to follow up and email a link to this group.
Meeting adjournment:
There being no further questions or comments, the meeting was adjourned at 6:48 pm.
Next meeting: April 18, 2022, at 6:00 pm, on-line (rescheduled from April 25)
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Karlson
BBV CERT Secretary
April 2022