Meeting Minutes – August 2022

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BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes

Big Bear Lake Fire Department

August 22, 2022


Present:               Susan Elliott                                                                       Nancy Karlson

Dede Hermon                                                                    David Rohrdanz

Maria and Jim Smith                                                      Chris Carson

Susan Anatrillo                                                                 Phil and Peggy Defibaugh

Bob and Norma Grimes                                                 Carl Bartosch

Jean Shumaker


Call to Order:

  • Susan called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.


Allegiance to the Flag:

  • The pledge of allegiance was led by Susan and recited by all attendees.


911 Designee for Meeting:

  • Chris Carson offered to act as the 911 designee for tonight’s meeting which was approved by Susan.


Treasurer Report:  

  • Dede reported that the monthly activity consisted of a small interest credit with more detail to be reported at the September meeting.


New Business/Old Business:

  • Upcoming Community Events:
    • Tour de Big Bear Volunteer Appreciation Party – August 28: 4:30 – 7:00 pm
      • Susan reported that the Tour de Big Bear Event was very successful and expressed her thanks to all those who participated.
      • She added that there was approximately $95 in expenses incurred supporting that event. A motion to reimburse these expenses was made by Susan, seconded by David and carried unanimously.
      • Susan reminded the members about the “Appreciation Party” on August 28.


  • Gran Fondo Opportunity October 8

Susan will follow-up to see if there is an opportunity for BBV-CERT to participate.

  • Upcoming Fundraising Events – Updates
    • September 28 (Maggios)
    • November 7 (Sonora Cantina)

Marie talked about the upcoming events and handed out flyers for distribution. Marie also invited members to participate at the Sonora Cantina location.


  • Committee Actions (Next Steps, if any):

None at this time


  • Renewal of CERT licenses:

Susan noted that Nick had no definitive information. She did comment that our licenses are considered grandfathered until then.


  • Training Scheduled for General Meeting:
    • Susan said that there would be no specific training tonight. She then asked the members to bring their CERT packs in for the next meeting as we plan to do a pack check. In addition, Susan mentioned that a round table exercise will be planned at an upcoming meeting.
    • Susan proceeded to talk about the desire to schedule a local basic CERT training and asked David if he could assist to which he agreed. It was not known at this time what the minimum attendance requirement might be to hold the event.


  • Upcoming Red Bag Training:

Date is still pending.


  • Upcoming Basic CERT Training

September 9-11, City of Redlands –  Information distributed via e-mail.


  • Update on Ham Radio Examinations, if any:

Dede encouraged members to get involved with ham radio operations and provided a recap on all the benefits and opportunities associated with learning emergency communications.


Other Comments:

David asked about the assets committee and volunteered his services. Susan mentioned that more information will be available at the next meeting.


Carl asked a question about self-protection training and other topics. He shared some information that might be helpful to members. Susan agreed to preview it for possible distribution or discussion at a future meeting.


Meeting adjournment: There-being no further questions or comments, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jim, seconded by Chris, and approved by all. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.


Next meeting:  September 26, 2022, at 6:00 pm, Big Bear Lake Fire Department Station.


Respectfully submitted,

by Nancy Karlson, BBV-CERT Secretary, August 2022