BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes
Big Bear Lake Fire Department
September 26, 2022
Present: Susan Elliott (On-line) Nancy Karlson
David Rohrdanz Ed Stanik
Maria and Jim Smith Chris Carson
Phil and Peggy Defibaugh Ed Williams
Bob and Norma Grimes Cesar and Rose Falconett
Maria Laverty Mike and Barbara Marty
Jamie Kammann (guest)
Call to Order:
• Susan called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.
Allegiance to the Flag:
• The pledge of allegiance was led by David and recited by all attendees.
911 Designee for Meeting:
• Chris Carson was appointed to act as the 911 designee for tonight’s meeting.
Treasurer Report:
• Nancy reported that the August 31 balance totaled $1,266 with no change compared to the prior month. She added that a donation of $1,800 was received from Tour de Big Bear and will be reflected in September along with a supplies reimbursement of $90.
New Business/Old Business:
• Appointment of Vice President (to fill vacancy position until July 1, 2022)
o Susan reported that the Board unanimously appointed David Rohrdanz to fill the vacancy of the Vice President position (at a special Board meeting held in August), until the next election.
• Upcoming Local Community Events:
o Gran Fondo Opportunity October 8
Susan reported that she was unable to reach the event organizers, after repetitive attempts, and decided that we would no longer pursue opportunities this year.
• Upcoming Fundraising Events – Updates
o September 28 (Maggios)
o November 7 (Sonora Cantina)
Marie and Jim jointly reported that flyers have been distributed and everything has been done in preparation for the September 28 event. A discussion arose about the donation process for the November 7 event and the importance of tracking each one.
• Asset Committee (Next Steps, if any):
o Susan noted that this is being deferred to a future meeting.
• Recent CERT Activation Comments
o Susan proceeded to thank everyone that was involved in the recent activation. She added that 16 BBV-CERT members participated, accounting for 210 hours.
• Renewal of CERT licenses:
o David shared with the group that the decals we are waiting for are apparently out of stock. Susan noted that we will continue to follow-up.
• Training Scheduled for General Meeting:
o CERT pack check
David led the members in a discussion about pertinent items to carry in their CERT packs. The group then participated in going through each of their packs, individually, to assess items that needed to be added and/or replaced.
o Table Top Exercise (upcoming meeting)
David shared with the group that the upcoming table top exercise will focus on an earthquake drill and how the structural groups/roles will operate. He added that a good resource for CERT forms can be found on the “Oceanside Cert” website.
• Training/Other Events:
o Red Bag Training-TBD
o Firefighter Rehab Class – October 8: Flyer Distributed
o Redlands Fire Department Open House: October 15: Flyer Distributed
Nancy noted that the materials for the latter two events were distributed. A question was raised as to the purpose of the Firefighter Rehab Class. Nancy responded that the focus is on how to identify and respond to symptoms that firefighters may exhibit when fighting fires. Maria shared some experiences from the training session she attended.
Other Comments: None
Meeting adjournment: There-being no further questions or comments, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made, seconded and approved by all. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Next meeting: October 24, 2022, at 6:00 pm, Big Bear Lake Fire Department Station.
Respectfully submitted,
by Nancy Karlson, BBV-CERT Secretary, October 2022