Meeting Minutes – October 2022

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BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes

Big Bear Lake Fire Department

October 24, 2022


Present:               Susan and Steve Elliott                                   Dede Hermon

Nancy Karlson                                                    David Rohrdanz

Maria and Jim Smith                                      Chris Carson

Ed Williams                                                         Bob and Norma Grimes

Rose Falconett                                                  Mike and Barbara Marty

Susan Anatrillo


Call to Order:

  • Susan called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.


Allegiance to the Flag:

  • The pledge of allegiance was led by Susan and recited by all attendees.


911 Designee for Meeting:

  • Chris Carson was appointed to act as the 911 designee for tonight’s meeting.


Treasurer Report:  

  • Financial Report: Dede reported that September’s month-end balance was $2,976 compared to the prior month of $1,266 with monthly activity consisting of a $1,800 donation from Tour de Big Bear and a supplies expenditure of $90.
  • Tax Filings: Dede reported that the tax filings for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022 have been filed.


New Business/Old Business:

  • Upcoming BBV-CERT Meetings:
    • November 7: Susan reported that this meeting is being scheduled earlier in the month due to holidays and the availability of a guest speaker. She noted that the Red Cross will hold a briefing on Wildland Fire Sheltering followed by a round table.  Susan added that there will be no Board meeting.


  • December TBD: A discussion ensued about upcoming meetings. It was decided that meetings would go dark in December and January and will resume in February, either on-site or by Zoom, depending on weather.


  • Upcoming Local Community Events:
    • None at this time
    • One of the CERT members raised a suggestion that we consider participating next year at the Halloween event held in the Village.


  • Upcoming Fundraising Events – Updates
    • November 7 (Sonora Cantina): 11am-8pm approximately (1 hour before closing)
      • Modifications from raffle event to a silent auction

Nancy reported that a decision was made to modify the fundraising format from a raffle to a silent auction, primarily because of an anticipated delay in getting the appropriate approval in time for the event.


  • Comments about September 28 (Maggios)

Marie reported that BBV-CERT received a donation of $218 from Maggios and thanked everyone for participating.



  • Great California ShakeOut: Comments
    • Dede reported that the participation was strong (and jointly represented by Mountain CERT, BBV-CERT, SAR and ECS). She commented on the various repeaters and frequencies used in the drill, along with participation response numbers which totaled 140 including 15 from our local teams. Dede additionally thanked the group for participating.


  • Asset Committee (Next Steps, if any):
    • Susan reported that efforts should be made to inventory the storage containers prior to the snow season and asked Bob if he could lead/participate in this effort. Dede noted that inventory levels may be lower than anticipated due to the County’s usage of some of our supplies during the spike of Covid. Susan emphasized the importance of assessing what is needed so that these items can be replenished as soon as possible. A discussion was raised relative to the location of our CERT containers.


  • Renewal of CERT licenses:
    • No update


  • Training Scheduled for the General Meeting:
    • Review of selected CERT Manual sections

David led this session and referred to the final exam handout from our CERT manual, which he distributed. He divided the group into teams to work through the questions as a refresher. After approximately 30 minutes, the entire group worked through each of the questions and answers. Questions were addressed and commented on.


  • Upcoming Training/Other Events:
    • Wildland Fire Sheltering: Briefing from Red Cross: November 7
    • Table Top Exercise: Date TBD
    • Red Bag Training: Date TBD



Other Comments:

  • Chris reported on the success of the recent “Sound the Alarm Event”.


  • Dede reminded and encouraged members to consider obtaining/upgrading Ham Radio Licensing and how easily this can be arranged via the website


  • Susan discussed the desire to develop an upcoming training session in March or April 2023 and asked David to talk with Michael about getting these plans started. Dede commented that Mountain CERT is also interested in participating.



Meeting adjournment: There-being no further questions or comments, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made,  seconded and approved by all. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.


Next meeting:  November 7, 2022, at 6:00 pm, Big Bear Lake Fire Department Station.


Respectfully submitted,

by Nancy Karlson, BBV-CERT Secretary, December 2022