Meeting Minutes – April 2024

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BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
Big Bear Lake Masonic Lodge
Attendees – Johnny Wells, Marie Smith, Jim Smith, Ed Williams, Bob Grimes, Norma Grimes, Susan Elliott, Gayle
Venegas, David Venegas, Susan Antrillo, Michael Brush, Nancy Karlson, Joyce Crist, George Muller, Mike
Marty, Barb Marty, Dede Hermon, Tom Hermon
Call to Order – President Susan Elliott called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance – Susan led the flag salute
911 Designee – Susan was the 911 caller designee
Announcements – Dede Hermon reminded CERT about the Big Bear Mini Hamcation, April 26-28. Registration closes on
Thursday, April 25.
Program – Guest speaker Mark Durban, a retired Big Bear Lake firefighter, presented a video, “Living with Fire,”
telling of the history of fires in Big Bear Valley.
Secretary Minutes – Reading of the minutes was dispensed as Secretary Norma Grimes already emailed minutes from
the previous meeting to CERT.
Treasurer Report — Ed Williams reported income for March: Savings interest- 6¢; Checking interest- 1¢. Current balance
in checking: $3,169.80; in savings: $1,200.49, for a total balance of $4,970.29.
Committee Reports
• Fundraising – Marie & Jim Smith reported that we received a check for $234.11 from the Pampered Chef
fundraiser. Future scheduled fundraisers:
o Maggio’s Pizza Fundraiser, Wednesday, July 17
o Sonora Cantina w/Prize Drawing, Monday, September 9
o See’s Candy Online Fundraiser starts mid-October thru December 6
• Membership – Johnny Wells reported on recruiting opportunities at the Health Fair on Saturday, May 18,
at Bear Valley Community Hospital, and the Gem & Mineral Show on Memorial Day Weekend at the
Masonic Lodge. He asked for volunteers to man the pop-up at these two events.
• Training — Johnny presented training for disaster preparation, suggesting what emergency food, water,
power and medical supplies to have on hand.
New Business – No new business
Old Business
• CERT ID’s – We are closer to getting our new ID’s. The rosters have been finalized and sent for approval
by CalOES.
Upcoming Training/Other Events
• Big Bear Mini Hamcation, April 26-28, The Lodge at Big Bear Lake, Holiday Inn
• Board Meeting, May 20, 5 p.m., Masonic Lodge
• General Meeting, May 20, 6 p.m., Masonic Lodge
• Tour de Big Bear, August 3
• CERT Basic Training tentatively scheduled for August 19-23, 2024
• Radio Testing and Preparation (available through Dede Hermon,
Comments — None
Meeting Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Norma Grimes, Secretary