Meeting Minutes – May 2024

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BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2024, 6:00 p.m.

Big Bear Lake Masonic Lodge


Attendees —       Judy Whitaker, Ian Thome, Donna Jarvis, Andrea Gomez, George Muller, Maria Lafferty, Michael Brush, Susan Antrillo, Edward Stanik, Sam Bolog, Susan Elliott, Johnny Wells

Guest: Doug Ward


Call to Order – Susan Elliott called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance — Susan led the flag salute.


911 Designee – Susan was 911 designee.


Program – Stephanie Thoth, “Fentanyl”


Secretary Minutes – Distributed by email


Treasurer Report  — Ed Williams


  • 04/12/24 – Credit $0.07 Interest on Savings
  • 04/30/24 – Credit $0.01 Interest on Checking
  • 05/02/24 – Debit $1,799.00 Renew Annual Insurance from Checking
  • As of 05/20/24, Savings has $1,800.56, Checking has $1,644.92, for a total of $3,445.48.
  • He also renewed the CERT PO Box through 06/30/2025.



Committee Reports

  • Fundraising – Marie & Jim Smith
  • Maggio’s Pizza Fundraiser, Wednesday, July 17
  • Sonora Cantina w/Prize Drawing, Monday, September 9
  • See’s Candy Online Fundraiser starts mid-October thru December 6 with delivery in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas giving. Free shipping with orders over $75.


  • Training – Johnnie Wells will discuss at next training.
  • Assets – Steve Elliott will discuss at next meeting.


New Business

No new Business


Old Business

  • CERT ID’s – in process

Upcoming Training/Other Events

  • Board Meeting, June 24, 5 p.m., Masonic Lodge
  • General Meeting, June 24, 6 p.m., Masonic Lodge
  • Tour de Big Bear, August 3
  • CERT Basic Training tentatively scheduled for August 19-23, 2024
  • Radio Testing and Preparation (available through Dede Hermon,


Comments — None


Meeting Adjournment –The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.



Submitted by Susan Elliott