BBV-CERT General Membership Meeting
April 26, 2021 via Zoom
Meeting called to order at 6 pm.
General Membership Meeting
Attendees: Susan Elliott, Steve Elliott, Dede Hermon, Maria Laverty, Laura Nowak-Brown, Tom Hermon, Nancy Karlson, Yomar Cleary, Barbara Marty, Ed.
President – Eric Steele (not present)
Vice President – Susan Elliott
Susan has a video presentation for this evening. See attached summary and link to video.
CERT renewals are due at the end of the year. Check your membership status on your CERT badge.
Treasurer – Dede Hermon
As of today, combined checking and savings is $2988.57.
We still do not have a bill for insurance. Still waiting on that.
Laura will transfer the Paypal balance of $48.25 which is being transferred to checking.
HAM Radio Testing
They tested the security force for San Manuel Indian Reservation. 13 out of 14 passed at the recent HAM testing.
More testing sessions will be scheduled; contact Dede.
Nancy tested for her extra license and passed with flying colors!
Secretary – Laura Nowak-Brown
Nomination request for Vice President and Secretary will go out May 1st. Laura is stepping down as secretary.
Next meeting will be May 24, 2021 via zoom. Disaster psychology.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.