Big Bear CERT General Membership Meeting
July 23, 2018 – Big Bear Senior Center
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
- Election results:
- President – Eric Steele
- Vice President – Susan Elliot
- Treasurer – Dede Hermon
- Secretary – Laura Nowak
- Our next fundraiser at Maggio’s on September 11. Proceeds from any pizza, all day will go towards CERT.
- CERT post office box is using the Big Bear City Fire Department address – 301 W. Big Bear Blvd, Big Bear City, 92314. Approved by Nick.
- Badges available tonight.
- Radios: propose combined NET on Mondays with our meeting; otherwise hold on Thursday.
- Next CERT training will be held 08/20 – 08/24. George is determining how many are interested by next Monday. Also mention recruiting at the general meeting tonight.
- Treasurer’s Report
– Insurance has been reinstated.
– $5834.39 balance at Alaska Credit Union
– Another insurance bill is due – pay in full. $1096.13.
– Laura’s information was not processed at the bank; needs to go back with Eric or Dede to be added to checking account. - Membership Report: New contact list was sent out to the membership.
- Fireman’s Ball is August 25th at the convention center. All are welcome. 6 pm dinner/dancing/bar/silent auction. Black/Red Tie.
- Active 911 is available to two CERT board members. Eric Steele, President and Susan Elliot, Vice President will be on the account.
- Sound the Alarm training is coming up. Check email for details.
- National Night Out at the Big Bear Sheriff Station on 08/07/2018. CERT should have a booth there. George will go to promote. CERT Brochures: John Ferdon has them. Susan will pick up.
Meeting adjourned at 7 pm.