Meeting Minutes – July 2020

BBV-CERT General Membership Meeting

July 27, 2020 via Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:10 pm.

General Membership Meeting

Attendees: Eric Steele, Susan Elliott, Dede Hermon, Laura Brown, Glenn Anders, Cecilia Rohrdanz, Cesar Falconett, Steve Elliott, Tom Hermon, Cece Rohrdanz, David Rohrdanz, Phil Defibaugh, Peggy Defibaugh, Maria Laverty, Marie Smith, Bob Grimes, Norma Grimes, Yomar Cleary, Ed Williams, Sam Bolog

President – Eric Steele


No other nominations were made for President and Treasurer.

President: Eric Steele – all in favor

Treasurer: Dede Hermon – all in favor

Nothing to report from Nick Bruinsma, our fire liaison; no events in the immediate future due to COVID-19.

Treasurer – Dede Hermon

Dede still has shirts for Bill & Peggy and Christina.  Not able to get hats yet because they’re not available in our color.

HAM Radio

Is anyone interested in training or testing for their HAM radio license (any designation)?  Please contact Dede Hermon if you are.  A group of ham radio operators and volunteer test examiners will be doing testing for technician/base HAM radio license.  The next testing session will likely be October and be done quarterly.

Tour de Big Bear

Tour de Big Bear has been cancelled however the Big Bear Cycling Association given a $500 donation to the BBV-CERT.

Vice President – Susan Elliott

Nothing to report

EOC/VOAD – Yomar Cleary

Still activated but quiet.  Ordered PPE’s from FEMA.  Each COAD received a supply of PPE’s for their areas.

We’ve had quite a few fires here in Big Bear. Most are due to unattended campfires or bonfires.  Friday 8 pm and 9 pm there were ten call outs for the fire department for these types of fires.

Training – What to do in a riot

Mob mentality

It can stem from various things such as child abuse, child neglect, following peers instead of parents.

Rioters are better trained.  There are underground websites that provide information for upheaval.

If you find yourself in that situation, remove any clothing that has any political affiliation or anything that can stir emotion.  It’s not worth your life.

Defense from Inside Your Vehicle

Best defense is to leave area immediately.  There’s a time to obey traffic laws and a time to ignore them when your life is at stake.  Use common sense to protect your life.

If you’re in your car and tear gas has been fired, roll up windows, shut off a/c.  Even recirculating air takes in outside air at times.

Practice backing up at high speed if you can.  If you remove your hand from the steering wheel when in reverse, the car will turn.  Never let go of steering wheel.

If you have to drive through a fence, aim for the post.  You have a much greater chance of knocking the post over.

Be aware of pedestrians, be cautious.

Riots in Person

You’ll have greater chance to reach someone via text message vs calling 911 for help.  Some agencies are able to accept text messages.

Keep to the edge of the crowd where it’s the safest.  Try not to be associated with the demonstrators/leaders.

Avoid confrontation by minimizing eye contact and keep your head down.

Stand out as little as possible.  Avoid mobs and bottlenecked areas.

If you’re with loved ones, grip hands or lock elbows with everyone with you. Sticking together is first priority; second is finding a way out.  Seek refuge until crowd passes or you can get to safety.

Walk, don’t run so you don’t draw attention to yourself.

If you are swept away in rush, create space for yourself or get against a wall and roll into a ball until they pass.

Getting away from riot

Rinse tear gas for at least ten minutes with water.

Remove outer clothes if possible.

Self-assessment.  Any injuries; anything that needs to be treated.

If you saw something potentially deadly, contact law enforcement.

Put out a safe call to friends or family members.

No new business.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.