Meeting Minutes – July 2022

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BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes

Big Bear Lake Fire Department

July 25, 2022


Present:               Susan Elliott                       Y                                              Nancy Karlson                    Y

Dede Hermon                    Y                                              Tom Hermon                     Y

Ed Williams                         Y                                              Maria and Jim Smith       Y

Bob and Norma Grimes Y                                              Chris Carson                       y                                              Susan Anatrillo                               y                                              Maria Laverty                    Y

Steve Elliott                        Y


Call to Order:

  • Susan called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.


Allegiance to the Flag:

  • The pledge of allegiance was led by Susan and recited by all attendees.


911 Designee for Meeting:

  • Chris Carson offered to act as the 911 designee for tonight’s meeting which was approved by Susan.


Treasurer Report:  

  • Dede reported that June’s month-end balance was $1,266.11 compared to the prior month of $2,827.99 with the change consisting of a small interest credit of $.12 and expenses of $1,562 related to insurance.


New Business/Old Business:

  • Upcoming Community Events:
    • Tour de Big Bear August 6 (Snow Valley Location)

Susan mentioned that participants should arrive between 6:30-7:00 am. She noted that Susan (Anatrillo) will help with getting supplies the day before and that there will be a decoration/theme contest for those interested. Susan (Elliott) also shared that there is a kick-off gathering on August 1 with information to follow.  She confirmed that Steve Mandarosian is the primary contact for the Snow Valley location.

  • Kodiak August 19 and 20
  • Gran Fondo Opportunity October 8




  • Upcoming Fundraising Events
    • September 28 (Maggios)
    • November 7 (Sonora Cantina)

Marie reported on the dates established for the fundraising events noting that volunteers will be needed at Sonora Cantina. Dede added that Tom and Maria would likely be willing to hand out flyers for these events, of which they both agreed. Susan also commented that we are registering with the Department of Justice for the raffle to be held at Sonora Cantina.


  • Asset Committee: Included below.


  • Renewal of CERT licenses:

Susan noted that this is still pending and will follow up with Nick as to whether he was able to get any additional information.


  • Training Scheduled for General Meeting:

Susan reported that she had two topics to cover in tonight’s meeting:

1)  to review the different committee structures within the BBV-CERT organization so that members could identify potential participation opportunities and

2) to review pertinent apps available to monitor fire conditions.


Susan proceeded to review each of the following committee structures, as defined in the SOPS.



  • Assets
    • Steve, Tom and Bob – identified participants
    • Dede commented that she has a listing of inventory locations
  • Fundraising
    • Jim and Marie Smith – identified leads
  • Logistics
    • Susan E – designated lead
  • Membership
    • Deferred based on reorganization process
  • Publicity and Events
    • Deferred based on reorganization process
  • Teams
    • Deferred temporarily
  • Roster and Data
  • Dede – designated lead
  • Training:
    • Deferred temporarily

Susan would like to do Train the Trainer








Special Representatives

  • Amateur ratio
  • Dede – designated lead
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Laura – identified/to be accepted by her
  • Nominating Committee
    • Deferred at this time



  • Upcoming Red Bag Training – Date – TBD

Susan noted that the date is pending and will reach out to Nick to see if the timing can be narrowed down.


  • Update on Ham Radio Examinations:

Dede reported that a new website will be available shortly, She commented that this website content will provide “amateur radio testing made simple”. She proceeded to recap what features will be available including: Information on on-line exams, links to practice tests, on-line registration, links to obtain FRN numbers, payment of fees and more. Dede also shared that there are plans in progress to schedule monthly in-person testing at 3 semi-local locations including Big Bear Lake Fire Station: Pre-CERT meetings (4:30pm), Big Bear Lake Fire Station: Pre-BBARC meetings (1:00pm) and Lake Arrowhead Presbyterian Church: Pre-MTARA meetings (6:00pm). Dede noted that remote testing will also be available in the future.


Other Comments:



Meeting adjournment: There-being no further questions or comments, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Tom, seconded by Chris, and approved by all. The meeting  was then adjourned at 6:50pm.


Next meeting:  August 22, 2022, at 6:00 pm, Big Bear Lake Fire Department Station.



Respectfully submitted,

by Nancy Karlson,

BBV-CERT Secretary, August 2022