Big Bear CERT General Meeting
June 24, 2019 – Big Bear Senior Center
Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
President’s Report – Eric
Tour de Big Bear aid station. BBVCERT has been asked to staff the Snow Valley aid station during the Tour de Big Bear on August 3rd. In return BBVCERT will receive a donation of $500 from the Big Bear Cycling Association/Tour de Big Bear. Eric will discuss at tonight’s general meeting and obtain a list of volunteers and shirt sizes.
Kodiak 100 race could most likely also use volunteer help and/or radio comms. Dede/Laura will communicate with Susie of Kodiak and John Emig.
Big Bear Air Fair Saturday, July 6th: Need to discuss when we’ll have the next training session so we can communicate with visitors at the air fair. Class is contingent on Eric and Nick’s availability. Dates tba.
September 11th fundraiser at Maggio’s: Any whole pizza. Please promote!
Sonora Cantina Fundraiser: $641 from ticket sales; waiting to hear how much we receive from tacos. Marie will report when available.
Eric motion that BBV-CERT purchase inclement weather jackets (approximately 8) to be stored in the CERT container at BBC fire station. Cost would be approximately $1000 ($129 each) – max $1200. Should also include a CERT patch on them. Laura seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. Sizes to be determined.
Tonight’s training is communication skills and FRS radios. There have been a lot of changes in FRS radios in past few years with FCC allowances; Eric will discuss.
Vice President – Susan Not present
Treasurer’s Report – Dede
Checking balance as of 05/31/2019 is $2123.85. Additional deposit of $641 plus additional funds coming from Sonora from taco donations.
Secretary’s Report – Laura
Tour de Big Bear as noted above.
Three BBV-CERT members went to the firefighter rehab training. Dede, Ed, and Maria.
Next meeting Monday, July 22nd. Laura won’t be able to attend; please arrange for someone to take meeting minutes.
Meeting adjourned at 6 pm.