Click here to download June 2022 General Membership Meeting Minutes
BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes
Big Bear Lake Fire Department
June 27, 2022
Present: Susan Elliott Nancy Karlson
Phil and Peggy Defibaugh Ed Williams
Ed Stanik Maria and Jim Smith
Bob and Norma Grimes Nick Bruinsma
Chris Carson Susan Anatrillo
Jaime Kammann (guest)
Call to Order:
- Susan called the meeting to order at 6: 02 pm.
Allegiance to the Flag:
- The pledge of allegiance was led by Susan and recited by all attendees.
911 Designee for Meeting:
- Chris offered to act as the 911 designee for tonight’s meeting which was approved by Susan.
Treasurer Report:
- Nancy reported, on behalf of Dede, that May’s month-end balance was $2,827.99 compared to the prior month of $2,827.91 with the change consisting of a small interest credit of $.08. She also noted that there was one outstanding check for $1,562 (insurance), not reflected above.
New Business/Old Business:
- Election of Officer Positions for President and Treasurer
Nancy reported that the slate for tonight’s election includes Susan Elliott for President and Dede Hermon for Treasurer. Nancy made a motion to accept these individuals into the designated slots for the upcoming 2-year terms, which was seconded by Peggy and carried unanimously.
- Upcoming events:
- Tour de Big Bear August 6, 2022
Susan noted that the BBV-CERT will be stationed at the Snow Valley location, consistent with the prior event. She added that non-CERT members may join the team at the aid station as CERT is not serving in an activation capacity, only in a supportive role.
Susan then handed out a document with information pertaining to a “Volunteer Appreciation Party” on August 28 for those participating in the event.
- Gran Fondo Opportunity October 8, 2022
Nothing new to report
- Kodiak August 19 and 20
Nothing new to report
- Asset Committee:
Susan noted that this topic will be deferred to the July meeting at which time next steps will be identified.
- Renewal of CERT licenses:
Susan reported that there was no additional information available and asked Nick if he had any insight as to the renewal process and/or timing. Nick agreed to follow-up.
- Training Scheduled for General Meeting:
Susan commented that tonight’s training will be a video clip on “CERT in Action” which addresses the role of CERT in both natural and man-made disasters. The group then watched the video and responded favorably to the content of information. Susan asked Nancy to send the video link to the attendees (which she did subsequent to the meeting).
A brief discussion was held on conducting a red bag training in the future. Nick responded that this could possibly be arranged some time during August, for those that are interested.
- Training Opportunities through Phelan-Pinon Hills CERT:
Nancy shared some information, on behalf of Dede, about training opportunities available through the Phelan-Pinon Hills CERT. She noted that we have been invited to attend these sessions either in-person or via Zoom. Nancy proceeded to hand out a document detailing the dates and training topics.
- Update on Ham Radio Examinations:
Nancy noted that upcoming examinations will be done on-line and may be held at a physical location or via zoom. She added that Dede will provide more details at the July meeting.
Other Comments
- Ed (Stanik) mentioned that he brought in a couple of CERT packs from a couple members who have now moved out of state. Susan noted that some of the contents may be usable by existing or future members and agreed to go through the contents.
Meeting adjournment: There-being no further questions or comments, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Next meeting: August 22, 2022, at 6:00 pm, Big Bear Lake Fire Department Station.
Minutes respectfully submitted, by Nancy Karlson, BBV-CERT Secretary, July 2022