Meeting Minutes – March 2024


BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

Big Bear Lake Masonic Lodge


Attendees –       Ed Williams, Marie Smith, Jim Smith, Norma Grimes, Bob Grimes, Johnny Wells, Gayle Venegas, David Venegas, Susan Antrillo, George Muller, Ian Thome, Judy Whitaker, Joyce Crist, Chris Carson, Sam Bolog, Steve Elliott, Susan Elliott


Call to Order – Susan Elliott called the meeting to order at 6:11 p.m.


Pledge of Allegiance – Susan led the flag salute.


911 Designee – Susan will be the 911 contact.


Secretary Minutes – Norma Grimes attached minutes to meeting notice emailed to members prior to the meeting.


Treasurer Report  — Treasurer Ed Willams reported interest received in December: 7¢ savings, 1¢ checking; January: 7¢ savings, 1¢ checking; February: 7¢ savings, 1¢ checking. Expenses in January: $192.17. Current balance in checking: $3,169.79; in savings: $1,800.43, for a total of $4,970.22.


Committee Reports

  • Fundraising – Marie & Jim Smith reported that a fundraiser for Maggio’s is scheduled on July 17. Marie has inquired at Sonora Cantina for a September 9 taco fundraiser and is waiting to hear back.


The Pampered Chef fundraiser is still active, but will end soon. Approximately $230 has been raised.


Marie proposed having a See’s Candy fundraiser in the Fall. Individuals can order online and purchases will be delivered by See’s. She will get details on what’s involved.


  • Training – Johnny Wells reported that he met with Susan and is looking into possibilities for training opportunities locally with the Sheriff’s Dept., City of Big Bear Lake, and CalTrans. He asked the members to send their suggestions for training to him by phone/text, 909-866-0862.


New Business

  • Big Bear Mini Hamcation – Dede Hermon shared about the amateur radio convention planned for April 26-28. 250-300 People are expected to attend. There will be a full schedule of activities and break-out sessions. Crisanta Gonzales, the new director of San Bernardino County OES, will speak on the importance of ham radios in emergency situations. Gordon West, author of amateur radio textbooks, will be attending and signing books. There will be an opportunity for testing for technical operator licensing. Contact Dede at for information.


Old Business

  • CERT ID’s—Robert Gonzales informed Susan that OES is about to print the new ID’s. He is waiting to receive the last group’s roster. There will be no expiration date on the new ID’s.


  • New member application packets have been written and are waiting for State OES approval.


Upcoming Training/Other Events

  • General Meeting, Mark Durbin “History of Fires in Big Bear,” April 22, 6 p.m., Masonic Lodge
  • Big Bear Mini Hamcation, April 26-28, The Lodge at Big Bear Lake, Holiday Inn
  • Radio Testing and Preparation (available through Dede Hermon,
  • Tour de Big Bear, August 3
  • CERT Basic Training tentatively scheduled for August 19-23, 2024




Meeting Adjournment – There was a soft closure to the meeting at 7:09 p.m.  Johnny proceeded with the backpack check in the training session.



Respectfully submitted,

Norma Grimes, Secretary