BBV-CERT General Membership Meeting
May 18, 2020 via Zoom
Meeting called to order at 6 pm.
General Membership Meeting
Attendees: Dede Hermon, Eric Steele, Susan Elliot, Steve Elliot, Nancy Karlson, Tom Hermon, James McGrew, Maria Laverty, Yomar Cleary, Cesar Falconett, Phil and his wife, Pat Elbert, Glenn Anders, Johnny Ray, Laura Brown, Marie Smith, Russell Brown, Robert Grimes, Norma Grimes, Robert Stegemann.
Why we haven’t been activated: keep from exposure and we have a high number of high-risk members.
Pat Elbert went down to first activation at the ONT airport to support first group coming in from China. Thank you to Pat for your effort. She took a Red Cross class on sheltering afterwards.
Extra precautions as Big Bear begins to open back up.
OES – John Ferdon
There are no hands-on classes right now; only virtual classes are available.
First aid and hazmat training will be his priority this year.
CERT trailer will be resupplied and possibly replaced with a tonix box. Currently we have an odd assortment of things in the trailer. If you have anything personal in any of the trailers, please let Eric or Dede know.
Masks: We have P95 masks, which is slightly greater than N95. When COVID-19 first hit, John Ferdon requested that the masks be brought down to OES with the promise of replenishment. There is more to the N95 that originally thought. For it to be effective, they need to be medically fit and approved. CERT masks will not be N95. They will be disposable masks which will be more effective. N95 need to be cleaned.
Urban Search and Rescue classes are supposedly going to still be held.
COVID-19 Testing in Big Bear
Testing in hospital environment has a 20% false negative outcome. Eric’s daughter is a physician experienced with the situation. Eric will ask her to join us at an upcoming meeting.
Recognition of Jim and Marie Smith – Fundraising
Jim and Marie are stepping down from fundraising. We thank them for their hard work and efforts and wish Jim a speedy recovery.
In light of that, we need to replace them as the fundraising committee.
Treasurer’s Report – Dede
Our last statement 4532.07 in account.
Bill – insurance needs to go out $1562. Covers entire year. Dede requesting approval to write with single signature. All in favor.
Dede needs to renew the PO Box in BBC; needs to be done by end of month. Eric will be back by 24 or 25 and he can take care of it.
Susan – controlled burn went well. They went for a hike to check it out. Did a nice job.
Nancy Karlson has offered to go to the market if anyone doesn’t want to go out.`
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Next meeting June 22nd.