Meeting Minutes – May 2021

BBV-CERT General Membership Meeting

May 24, 2021 via Zoom

Meeting called to order at 6:07 pm.

General Membership Meeting

Attendees: Eric Steele, Susan Elliott, Dede Hermon, Laura Nowak Brown, Craig, David & Cecilia Rohrdanz, Jeff Warhol (Upland CERT), Nancy Karlson, Sam Bolog, Ed Williams, Phil Defilbaum, Tom Hermon

Meeting minutes from April approved.

President – Eric Steele

All is well; nothing new going on per our fire liaison Nick Bruinsma.

Eric is going to follow up on renewals and see what needs to be done. Everything expires at the end of this year.

Eric will be having surgery in June so he’ll be down for a bit. Thank you Susan for taking over in the interim.

Discussion regarding going back to in-person meetings. Fire station isn’t open until later in the summer.  Most likely we’ll remain on Zoom until end of the year.  Perhaps meet over a training site outdoors.

Vice President – Susan Elliott

Susan has a video presentation for this evening.

June 2nd is the first meeting for the aid station volunteers for Tour de Big Bear. Steve will assist Susan with the aid station.  The event will be held August 7th.  Contact Susan if you’re interested in helping.

Treasurer – Dede Hermon

As of today, combined checking and savings is $2988.57.

Dede needs to pick up the insurance bill from the post office.  It’s due next month.

HAM Radio Testing

Three people are interested in testing in June.  Contact Dede if you are interested in testing at any level.  Right now testing is on request.

Secretary – Laura Nowak-Brown

Nomination request for Vice President and Secretary will go out May 1st.   Laura is stepping down as secretary.

Susan has nominated herself for Vice President; she is interested in the President position once Eric decides to step down.

We also need someone to handle fundraising for the group.



Tonight’s Training

CERT members should prepare themselves for their role during and following a disaster be learning about the possible impact of disaster on them and others, emotionally and physically. This knowledge will help CERT members understand and manage their reactions to the event and to work better with others. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) participants, trained to support the first responders during a disaster, will be challenged in many ways during and after response operations.

However, if CERT members are prepared for the stress, they will be more successful and helpful during the event and more able to rebound when the crisis is over. This training video provides an overview of stress reactions and strategies for dealing with people under stress during a disaster, including the needs of disaster workers themselves.

This video supports the training at and will help CERT members learn more about how to deal effectively in a crisis and how to help others cope. It will take about 44 min.


As CERT members, being prepared for the stressors of the incident, you will be better prepared for a more successful outcome.

Next meeting June 28, 2021

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.

Download pdf:  5.24.2021 Big Bear CERT General Meeting