BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Masonic Lodge
Call to Order: Susan Elliott called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Present: Susan & Steve Elliott, Ed Williams, Bob & Norma Grimes, Jim & Marie Smith, Johnny Wells, David & Gayle Venegas, Virginia Davis, Shannon Davis, Susan Smith, Nancy Moering, Susan Antrillo, Jim Hamilton, Roger Crist, Joyce Crist. Guests: Dean Moering, Julie Perdue
Pledge of Allegiance: Susan led the flag salute.
911 Designee: Johnny Wells was designated to call 911 if there is an emergency.
Meeting Minutes: October meeting minutes distributed electronically.
Treasurer Report: Ed Williams reported income in interest in savings of 7¢ and 2¢ in checking. On November 12th he deposited a $500 donation from the Antique Car Club, and made a reimbursement of $119.94 to Norma Grimes for Halloween Candy. The balance in checking is currently $5,762.67 and in savings there is a balance of $1,800.99 for a total of $7,563.66.
Committee Reports:
- Fundraising Committee– Marie & Jim Smith
- See’s Candy Online Fundraiser: Orders are at one quarter of our goal with $250 in sales resulting in $50 profit to CERT. The deadline for orders is December 6th. Norma will send an email to the team with a link to the website.
- Training/Membership – Johnny Wells
- Tonight’s training will be on preparation for winter.
- Recruitment will kick off again in the Spring.
- Johnny shared that Fire Marshall Luke is promoting Fire Wise Planting throughout the valley. Homeowners who plant fire resistant vegetation in their landscaping can possibly qualify for insurance and mortgage discounts.
- Assets Committee – Steve Elliott reported that the fire extinguishers need to be recharged and radios repaired. He again thanked everyone for helping clean and inventory the Big Bear City container.
- Teams — Organization of neighborhood teams will take place in the Spring. Susan will be working on the notebooks for the teams this winter.
New Business:
- CERT Christmas Potluck Party is Monday, December 9, at 6 p.m. at the Masonic Lodge. A signup sheet was circulated. This will be a festive time of fellowship, food and fun.
- 2025 Training dates are set for Mar. 31-Apr. 4; June 16-20; Sept. 29-Oct. 3. A suggestion was made to print door hangers publicizing the training sessions. Johnny will look into it.
- Susan solicited the team’s questions and concerns to discuss with OES Robert Gonzales at a meeting on Thursday, November 21st.
Old Business:
- Halloween in the Village was a lot of fun and a good opportunity to promote CERT training. CERT will participate again next year.
- CERT ID’s –Susan will address the delay with Robert Gonzales at the meeting Thursday.
Upcoming Training/Other Events:
- Christmas Potluck Party, December 9, 6 p.m., Masonic Lodge –Signup sheet will be made available.
- Board Meeting, March 24, 5 p.m., Masonic Lodge
- General Meeting, March 24, 6 p.m., Masonic Lodge
- 2025 Training: Mar. 31-Apr. 4; June 16-20; Sept. 29-Oct. 3
Training: Susan presented videos on preparation of winter.
- Suggestions were shared on how team members could fulfill the 5 hr./mon. requirement during winter. Suggestions included online training, adopting and keeping fire hydrants clear of snow and ice, helping out in the community, and recruiting new team members. Susan will try to set up 1st Aid and CPR training during the winter break.
Meeting Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Norma Grimes