Download PDF: CERT General Mtg. Minutes 10.24
BBV-CERT General Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2024, 5:00 p.m., Masonic Lodge
Present: Susan Elliott, Ed Williams, Bob Grimes, Norma Grimes, Jim & Marie Smith, George Muller, Char Scott, Steve Scott, Gayle Venegas, David Venegas, Cindi Schaub, Joyce Crist, Ian Thome, Judy Whitaker, Maria Laverty, Darrald Larter, Brenda McAlister, Susan Antrillo, Nancy Moering, Jim Hamilton, John Stanford, Mila Coker. Guest: Julie Perdue
Call to Order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Pledge of Allegance: Susan led the flag salute
911 Designee: George Muller
Meeting Minutes: No meeting minutes. September meeting was cancelled due to Line Fire threatening the valley.
Treasurer Report: Savings Balance $1,800.99;
Checking Balance $5,382.59 Total Balance as of Sept. 30, 2024 $7,183.58
Committee Reports:
- Fundraising Committee– Marie & Jim Smith
- Marie reported that CERT received $200 from Maria for the Taco Fundraiser from Sonora
- See’s Candy Online Fundraiser is Marie supplied the URL to the See’s website.
- Training/Membership – New recruits from the October training were
- Assets Committee – Susan relayed Steve’s thanks for all those who came out for the September field day when we cleaned and inventoried the supply container in Bear City.
New Business:
- Antique Car Club A CERT representative has been invited to the November club meeting for an award.
- Halloween in the Village, Setup: 2:00 (after street is closed to traffic), adjacent to Bear Skins on Pine Knot. Trick-or-treaters: 4-7 m. Team members have been asked for candy donations for the event. Bob, Norma and Susan purchased candy in addition.
- The November board and general meetings are moved to November 18 due to the Thanksgiving holiday the following week.
Old Business:
- CERT ID’s – Susan is waiting for a meeting with Robert Gonzales to get information on
Upcoming Training/Other Events:
- Halloween in the Village, October 31, 4-8 m.
- Board Meeting, November 18, 5 m., Masonic Lodge
- General Meeting, November 18, 6 m., Masonic Lodge
- Christmas Party, December 9, 6 p.m., Masonic Lodge
Training Session: Susan showed a history of wildfire in the San Bernardino Mountains. George Muller shared his photos and experience on the Line Fire.
Meeting Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Norma Grimes, Secretary