CERT GENERAL MEETING: Opened at 6:00 pm
Attended by: Susan and Steve Elliott, Tom and Dede Hermon, Nancy Karlson, Christina Amelsberg, Maria Laverty, Yomar and Bob Cleary, Norma and Bob Grimes, Craig Schubel (guest), Ed Stanick, Sam Bolog, David and Cecilia Rohrdanz could not connect
During Introductions, Nancy Karlson asked where Eric was for the meeting tonight. Susan said he was out of town.
Tour de Big Bear Aid Station: Kick off dinner 8/2 at Old Country Inn
New volunteers: Sam Bolog and son, Craig Schubel, Bob and Norma Grimes
Other volunteers: Tom, Dede, Nancy and Maria will be working Emergency Communications; Ed will be a ride host; Christina will be working with the hospital
Dede shared that this is one of our largest fundraisers of the year and everyone’s help is appreciated.
Elections: Secretary and VP are open for election. Susan has nominated herself as VP. Nominations are open for both positions.
Treasurer’s Report – $1428.87
Training: Susan presented on Active Shooter and mass attacks in time of Covid-19 pandemic
Closed at 6:55 pm