Meeting Minutes – June 2024

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BBV-CERT General Meeting Agenda

June 24, 2024, 6:00 p.m.

Big Bear Lake Masonic Lodge


Attendees—        Maria Laverty, Michael Brush, Ian Thome, Judy Whitaker, Andrea Gomez, George Muller, Craig Haeussler, Gayle Venegas, David Venegas, Susan Antrillo, Sam Bolog, Bob Grimes, Norma Grimes, Ed Williams, and Johnny Wells. Guests: Lori Schindler, Cindi Schaub, Greg Johnson and David Johnson.


Call to Order – Bob Grimes, Vice-President


Pledge of Allegiance — Norma Grimes led the salute to the flag.


911 Designee – Andrea Gomez volunteered to call 911 in an emergency.


Secretary Minutes – Distributed by email


Treasurer Report  — Ed Williams reported that there was no activity on either the checking or savings account. The balance in checking remains at $1,644.92, and in savings at $1,800.63, for a total of $3,445.55. The fiscal year ends on June 30th with a net increase of $160.80. Fundraising met all of our expenses for the year.


Committee Reports

Training – Johnny Wells introduced Battalion Chief Matt Fonda, who spoke about the Red Bag, a fire suppression kit composed of two 25-foot, 1 1/2” hose, a reducer, a nozzle, and hydrant wrench. The idea is that the Red Bag would be dropped at hydrants in CERT neighborhoods so they could squelch hot spots.  Matt took everyone outside and demonstrated the equipment on a hydrant.


New Business

Election of Officers:  Bob Grimes stated that according to our By-Laws the offices of President and Treasurer are up for election in even numbered years. The term of office is two years from July 1st of the first year to June 30th of the second year.

Susan Elliott was nominated for President. She will be completing two years as President at the end of June and is eligible for election to a second 2-year term.

Ed Williams was nominated for Treasurer. Ed has served one year as Treasurer, filling in the second year upon Dede Hermon’s resignation.  He is eligible for election to a full 2-year term beginning July 1, 2024.


Bob asked if there was anyone who would like to run for either president or treasurer. There were no more nominations, so a vote of acclamation was taken. Proxy votes were made by Dede and Tom Hermon, Nancy Karlson, and Jim and Marie Smith for the nominees  . Susan Elliott and Ed Williams were elected unanimously.


Old Business

  • CERT ID’s — nothing to report


Upcoming Training/Other Events

  • Enchanted Garden Boutique, July 13 (recruiting booth)
  • Board Meeting, July 22, 5 p.m., Masonic Lodge
  • General Meeting, July 22, 6 p.m., Masonic Lodge
  • Maggio’s Pizza Fundraiser, Wednesday, July 17
  • Tour de Big Bear, August 3
  • Sonora Cantina Fundraiser w/Prize Drawing, Monday, September 9
  • CERT Basic Training tentatively scheduled for August 19-23 at Paradise Yard
  • Radio Testing and Preparation (available through Dede Hermon,



CERT’s Tour de Big Bear Aid Station was described for new members. CERT volunteers arrive at 6 a.m. to set up  and then man a refreshment stand in Snow Valley the morning of August 3rd providing food and drink for the hundreds of bike riders. We make peanut butter and honey sandwiches, prepare and keep tables supplied with watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, bananas, hard boiled eggs, baked potatoes, water and pickle juice!  A free dinner is provided for volunteers at the orientation meeting before the TDBB and another free dinner at the awards ceremony afterwards. Signups to volunteer will be taken at the July meeting or contact Susan Elliott, 909-289-0139.


Meeting Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Norma Grimes, Secretary