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BBV CERT General Meeting
On-line Via Zoom
May 23, 2022
Present: Susan Elliott Y Dede Hermon Y
Nancy Karlson Y Tom Hermon Y
Steve Elliott Y Phil and Peggy Defibaugh Y
Ed Williams Y David and Cecilia Rohrdanz Y Christina Amelsberg Y
Ed Stanik Partial
Call to Order:
- Susan called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Treasurer Report:
- Dede reported that the May 22 balance was $2,827.91 compared to the April 17 balance of $2,827.83 with the $.08 increase attributed to an interest credit. She additionally noted that a check was written for the annual insurance coverage in the amount of $1,562 and should clear by next month.
General Topics of Discussion:
- In-person Meetings:
Susan confirmed that CERT members will resume in-person meetings at the Big Bear Lake Fire Department Station beginning June 27 with the Board meeting starting at 5:00 pm followed by the General meeting at 6:00 pm.
- Review and Approval of By-law Recommendations
Nancy and Susan reviewed the nature of suggested changes which was well received by the members. A motion was made by Susan to accept the changes and was unanimously approved by all in attendance, as well as Bob and Norma Grimes, via a proxy provided to Susan.
- Officer Nominations (President and Treasurer)
Nancy noted that, at this time, Susan Elliott was on the slate for President. Susan asked the group for any additional nominees for President or Treasurer, of which there were none. The members unanimously agreed with the nominee slate, with the election to be held at the June meeting.
Nancy re-iterated that one of the changes to the by-laws permits an existing officer to extend his/her term beyond the standard limits, if there are no nominees and if the officer is willing to do so (which would apply to the Treasurer position).
- Upcoming events:
- Tour de Big Bear August 6, 2022
Susan noted that CERT participation is planned with more information to come.
- Gran Fondo Opportunity October 8, 2022
Susan reported that this event is on the radar with more information to come.
- Kodiak August 19 and 20
Susan commented that this is another opportunity for CERT members.
Dede then provided some details about each of the events above and requested help from all licensed hams, either direct with radio or in a supportive role and to email her if interested.
Dede re-iterated that Ham Radio Operators (ECS and CERT members in San Bernardino County) have been given clearance to serve at Tour de Big Bear, Gran Fondo and Grizzly 100 as a training exercise without requiring a membership in MTARA.
- Asset Committee:
No update
- Renewal of CERT licenses (temporary stickers):
No update
Specific Topic/Training: Wildfires
- Susan reported that tonight’s training will cover wildfires and the importance of maintaining defensible space.
She prefaced the presentation with a recap on Fire Safety and how it pertains to CERT members.
- Video #1 was presented on “How Fighting Wildfires Works”
- Susan then discussed and recommended that each of the members view the video clip on “The Eldorado Fire” at their convenience and asked Nancy to send a link to each of the attendees (which was done subsequent to the meeting).
- Susan also recommended that each member take time and share the importance of maintaining defensible space with at least one contact during the next month.
Other Items:
- Susan inquired about the timing of the next Ham Radio testing. Dede reported that the testing will be July 30 at the Big Bear Lake Fire Station, at 1:00 pm.
Meeting adjournment:
There being no further questions or comments, the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm.
Next meeting: June 27, 2022, at 6:00 pm, Big Bear Lake Fire Department Station.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Karlson
BBV CERT Secretary
June 2022